
The document provides an overview on how to use Numina in conjunction with the DesktopShipper API.

What is Numina and why is it useful?

Numina designs and delivers warehouse automation solutions to accelerate customer's business productivity and profitability. For over 35 years, Numina has provided their customers with real-time software to fulfill a large assortment of products including clothing, footwear, books and media, electronics, food, healthcare supplies, home improvement, sporting goods and much more. 

More About Numina

Using Numina in DesktopShipper

Numina integrates directly to DesktopShipper's Public API.

Numina is an external integration therefore DesktopShipper does not manage or code their integration. 

For assistance with our DS API, Numina customers can contact our API support team at .

Note: If a customer wishes to integrate with Goodwill Finds, they will need to subscribe to DesktopShipper's Public API, which requires submitting a deal for the sales team.

Related Articles:

Setting Up a DS Account


Set Up a Profile


Carrier Mappings

Supported Carriers

Numina Troubleshooting Tips

Since Numina is an external integration, they will be handling the majority of the integration issues. However, if logs are needed, they can be accessed using the following steps:

  • Log into DS Admin.
  • Switch to the customer's account.
  • Navigate to "Orders".
  • Enter a date range. 
  • In the search field, enter the order ID of the order you need the logs for.
  • If the order is found, click "Detail"
  • Click the JSON tab. This tab provides all info pulled in from the DS API. 

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