What is a CSV Import?

This article provides an overview on DesktopShipper's CSV page.

What is a CSV?

CSV stands for Comma-Separated Values.

A CSV file contains various amounts of data for multiple orders that can be imported into DesktopShipper and then shipped.

Why Import a CSV?

CSV files can effectively organize order data in a tabular format, with each row representing an order and each column representing different attributes of the order, such as order ID, customer name, product details, quantity, price, and more.

This structured layout allows for easy data analysis and manipulation. Overall, CSV files make it straightforward to import order data from other systems.

Overview of Steps for Importing a CSV file

1) Create a CSV mapping or select an existing CSV mapping. See CSV Mapping for more information on CSV mappings.

2) Once the mapping is created, select it, and go to the "Import file tab". Click "Choose File" and select a CSV file you want to import.

3) If needed, adjust the mapping fields to match the CSV file.

4) If desired, import the orders into a batch or to the general order grid.

Once the imported orders are shipped, you can run a CSV data export containing various important shipment info.

Click here for more information on exporting CSV data: CSV Export

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