Shipping with the Walmart Integration

Rating and Shipping an order 

In Desktopshipper, you can utilize your shipping choice for both one-to-one and batch shipping for orders coming through the Walmart integration. The following instructions will guide you through the process of shipping using our convenient "Click it, Ship It" method for processing orders.

Step 1. On the Orders page, select the package you would like to ship.

Image 2023-09-28 at 11.28.17 AM

The Untitled design - 855 × 393px 2023-09-28 at 11.29.55 AMicon indicates the order is from the Walmart Integration


John C. Customer 1234 Main St. Hillsboro, OR 97123

Step 2. Click the image-png-Sep-26-2023-08-17-14-3977-PM button to ship the package.


John C Customer. 1234 Main St. Hillsboro OR 97123Example of Package Label

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